Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ways I've become Haitian

Following are a few lists including ways I have and have not become Haitian and a list in ways I have YET to become Haitian.

Ways I've become Haitian:
1. I don't kill bugs any more
2. I listen to my music louder
3. I'm ok with sitting and talking to friends to pass hours
4. I'm comfortable in my own sweat :)
5. I shower twice or more a day
6. I'm more relaxed and "Caribbean" in my mannerisms, I've got "flow"
7. I say "yes" or "no" at the end of my phrases
8. Time is flexible (to an extent)
9. Kissing on the cheek is the only way to greet people properly
10. I'm comfortable in awkward positions
11. My concept of "enough room" has greatly decreased in size
12. I can sleep through a lot of noise
13. I can move my hips, yes ladies and gentleman, I can dance Caribbean-style! (Or at least Kompa)
14. I'm more narcissistic
15. No meal is complete without rice and beans (Sós pwa all the way bébé!)
16. I share my food with my friends; I share more things in general
17. I wear bright colors
18. I avoid the sun during my daily activities if possible
19. Any temperature below 80˚ F is cold!
20. Blackouts? Normal!
21. I like my sugar!

...Interestingly enough, it's hard for me to write the ways I've become Haitian because they are so much a part of me now...

Ways I have not become Haitian
1. I still like my alone time
2. I still like having times of silence
3. I don't wake up at the break of dawn or before
4. I Do NOT like Roosters or listening to them "sing" before the sun comes up
5. I don't write my last name first

Ways I need to be more "Haitian"
1. Have better concept of space (especially in driving)
2. Be able to balance and carry objects on my head
3. Haitians have a way of totally releasing every muscle in their body, especially when they sit, travel, or whatever. I have yet to be able to do this well, but I have made some progress from my normally tense self!

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