Monday, April 22, 2013

Since I only have three months left here...

I've decided to start being better about that my time here is almost at a close.

It's hard to believe I've been here 9 months already and that the time I will leave is closer than the time I came.

My daily schedule looks something like this:
Monday - Friday
9 - 11 teach the advanced violins (private lessons)
11 - 12:30 maybe eat, wait for the yell "ANN ALE!!!" to go downtown, check emails, etc.
12:30 (or whenever we arrive) - 2:30 Primary school. I help by giving private lessons while group lessons go on.
3 - 5 Teach Intermediate to advanced violins (Private Lessons)
Evenings: chill, read, hang out with friends, catch up with family, sleep, work on school stuff, workout, etc.

9 - 11:30 Teach intermediate (private lessons)
12 - 1:30 Rehearse Petit Orchestre de Chambre, the intermediate string orchestra
2 - 5 Rehearse with Orchestre Philharmonic Sainte Trinite, the pre-professional orchestra

News update:
I started Taekwondo. Yeah! It's pretty awesome!

Morning go to church
Afternoon - Evening Concert or recital sometimes, go to the market, practice Taekwondo, chill, maybe spend time with friends

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