Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Change or die!

"God does not call the equipped; He equips the called."

I have officially graduated from Bradley University; I am no longer and never will be an undergraduate student again. For this I am beyond grateful. However, I am sad to be leaving SO MANY people I love. I feel like I am moving on before my time--so many conversations left un-conversed, so many relationships underdeveloped, just begun; so many hearts untapped, so many people I don't know well enough to say good-bye for a while. I love watching people grow and being there to encourage them and I won't be here to witness some of my closest friends and family grow.

Change is inevitable. "Change or die." "Nothing survives but change." My circle of influence is about to change. I have two options: 1. try to hold on to all that I know and clamp tight to those things I feel like I'm losing. 2. Embrace the impending change, the unknown, the new and unfamiliar. Obviously, the second option would be the healthier choice as I cannot in any way hold on to what is passed. And trusting that God works all things together for good, those conversations and relationships that I feel like I'm losing: what I cannot do, He will complete. I trust what has been done in the last year is enough and God will fill in where I have failed. He is not limited by my humanness.

And so I go on to Haiti. I choose to embrace every part of the change that it will entail. Am I afraid? I was. But I have absolute confidence in the One who has never failed me and He has cast out all need for fear.


  1. Loved this post, Kelsey, and it was really encouraging and a blessing to hear where you are with this big change. We will be praying for you and I'm excited for you in this new opportunity! Love you! Kyra

  2. First of all, I love this blog! Mostly because I love you, but I am also excited to read and learn of your adventures in Haiti and how Jesus will change you for His use! Praying for you! Love you tons!

  3. I love your post! Amen! I send you my blessings and send off from our home! You are a joy and I love you! Mom
